INSOMNIAC Live! reports : Converted Rentals
Converted Rentals
The Converted Rentals report lists the Sales contacts that were handled by storage counselors and subsequently converted to rentals. Individual entries are provided for each contact that led to a rental, and information about the marketing sources that callers used to contact your facility is also provided when it can be obtained from facility tenant records.
Things to know
Report date range criteria - The date selection criteria that you specify for a report represents the date on which OpenTech confirmed rentals rather than the date when the rental transaction completed. Rental information is retrieved from the facility PMS on a nightly basis.
Report data
Summary counts table
The Rental Conversions summary table displays the Total rental conversion count for the specified time period. Conversions are also partitioned on the basis of the Sales category classifications that storage counselors assigned to contacts.
NOTE: A Refused column is included in the Rental Conversions table to accommodate historical contact records that had this Sales classification, which is no longer used.
Converted contacts table
For each rental conversion entry, the following information is provided:
Contact date - The date on which the contact was handled by the storage counselor.
Rental Confirmed Date - The date on which the rental was verified by the system.
NOTE: In some cases, the nightly update process that retrieves rental confirmations from a facility can extend past midnight and complete on the following day. If this occurs, the rental confirmation date displayed in the report will be a day later than the actual rental date.
Tenant Name - The name of the tenant obtained from the facility PMS.
Facility Name - The name of the facility entered in the OpenTech system.
PMS Source - The source for the tenant lead that resulted in the rental.
NOTE: The ability to include source information in tenant facility records is not provided by all Property Management Systems. Contact your OpenTech Customer Success Manager for more information.
Call Result - The Sales type that was assigned to the contact. Valid values are: Reservations, Appointments, Leads, Inquiries and Kiosk Referrals.
Contact Note Link - You can click the icon to access the contact note that the storage counselor created for the contact.