Things to know about XpressCollect : Purpose, regulatory considerations and best practices
Purpose, regulatory considerations and best practices
Purpose: XpressCollect has been specifically designed to provide the following services and support associated with revenue collection activities:
Routine monitoring of tenant accounts to identify parties whose payments have become overdue.
Automated generation of notification messages that convey information about the current account status and provide easy access to a convenient online payment system.
Support for the creation of supplemental notification messages that can be sent to overdue tenants as deemed appropriate.
Optional use of a manual call feature that gives personnel the ability to select overdue tenants from a generated list, initiate phone calls to obtain payment or a promise to pay by a specific date, and create an electronic record that documents the details and results for each contact.
IMPORTANT: XpressCollect is not intended for sending messages or initiating phone contacts for any other purpose, such as advertising and marketing, personal communications, and so forth. OpenTech Alliance Inc. is not liable for any issues that might arise due to the misuse of XpressCollect communication capabilities.
Regulatory considerations: XpressCollect includes functionality to enable compliance with federal rules and regulations that are applicable to electronic messages sent by the business to its customers. Specifically, the system includes various methods that tenants can use at any time to opt out from receiving text messages or unsubscribe from receiving email notifications.
For more information about system opt out controls, see Working with tenant exclusions and blacklistings.
Recommended best practices: Verify that your organization has understood and addressed the following items before XpressCollect is employed:
That the consent of your tenants to receive messages about their accounts has been obtained, preferably through terms stated in a standard lease agreement.
NOTE: The default XpressCollect system configuration sets all tenants to Opted Out status, which disables the sending of notification messages. Before this setting is changed to Opted In, OpenTech technical services personnel will ask for verification that your tenants have consented to allow account-related messages to be sent to them.
That personnel in your organization who create content for XpressCollect messages understand that the system is solely intended to send tenant notifications and messages that pertain to the status and payment of their accounts.