XpressCollect reports : Mobile and Email Validation report
Mobile and Email Validation report
This report provides the results of the automated validation service that runs on a nightly basis to validate the phone numbers and email addresses associated with the primary name on current tenant accounts.
Things to know
Start-up and nightly validation runs: When XpressCollect is initially activated for a facility, the first validation run evaluates primary contact points for all tenants at the facility. Subsequent nightly runs identify and evaluate contact points for any new tenants added to the system in the past 24 hours.
Evaluated Points of Contact: The validation process evaluates tenant numbers and email addresses as follows:
Email addresses - The email address provided for the primary contact.
Phone numbers - All available phone numbers listed for the primary contact, including mobile, landline and VOIP numbers.
Report data
The following information is provided for each tenant contact point that has been evaluated:
Tenant ID, Tenant and Validated Date
Type - Valid values are Email Address, Cell Phone, Home Phone and Work Phone.
Value - The phone number or email address that was evaluated.
Valid - Yes/No values.
NOTE: The unknown classification is assigned to email addresses that could not be directly accessed but are assumed to be functional and designated as valid.
Comment - Descriptive or explanatory information about the contact point that was evaluated. The following entries are valid for this field:
Phone number types: mobile, landline and VOIP
Email address classifications:
- verified (valid) - Mailbox exists, is reachable and appears to be legitimate.
- unknown (valid) - Mailbox could not be validated or invalidated, but is assumed to be functional.
- disposable (invalid) - Mailbox is administered by a known disposable email address provider.
- unreachable (invalid) - Domain does not exist or otherwise does not have a reachable mail server.
- illegitimate (invalid) - Addresses associated with anti-spam systems (spamtrap, honeypot, etc), group email addresses (commonly know as “technical role accounts”) and inactive domains.
- undeliverable (invalid) - Mailbox either does not exist, or exists but is full, suspended or disabled.